1. Don't wing it: By choosing you to speak at their wedding, you have been given an honor, and you should repay them by putting some thought into what you're going to say, even if you're uncomfortable. The worst speeches that you can give in any setting are ones that lack effort or polish. Take time, do it right. 2. Choose your tone: The key building block for any speech is tone, are you trying to be funny, or are you planning to speak from the heart? Not everyone can do comedy, and that's ok, some of the best wedding toasts I've seen are designed to fire up the waterworks. Talented speakers can do both in one speech, but the first-step to be to set out the kind of toast that you want to give. 3. Tell Stories: People like stories, that's what makes for a great wedding toast. Whether you're a sibling or a friend, find a story that matches the tone you're going for and speaks kindly of the couple or the subject. AVOID crude stories! While good for a cheap life among your close friends, remember your audience, which probably includes grandparents and family friends. Be positive. 4. Mind the clock: Your toast is your time to shine, the whole wedding is watching you, but remember that the night is not about you, don't go too long. The best wedding toast will be no longer than 7 minutes, and if you plan to go that long, make sure that you've got funny and heartfelt elements in the toast. The last thing you want is people to remember only that your toast would never end.
5. Relax: If you're uncomfortable speaking in front of people this can be a daunting task, but remember one important thing, you're among friends, everyone is happy, and in the end few will remember what you said. Have fun with it.